Crayons remind me of the days before I had to raise myself.
Before mommy did meth.
Before daddy left.
Before we became a broken family
And I became a broken girl.
Crayons are important to me.
They help me go back to simpler times.
Before I knew what sex was.
Before I got pregnant
and then lost the baby.
What it felt like to get so drunk that i puked for days
just so i could forget the baby i should've had...
Crayons help me relive the times before,
Before I got so depressed that I couldn't leave my bed for weeks.
Before self harm became a regular thing.
Before my little sister was too scared to walk into my room,
because she was afraid that the night before,
I had tried to die,
just like many of my friends already had.
Crayons remind me that once, things were okay
and maybe they will be again.
This is unbelievable. Real. Heartbreaking. Thank you.